Impossible: 8.9 earthquake never caused nuclear accident

In the tsunami videos, the tsunami rips through pristine and undamaged cities, where business as usual is obvious and the tsunami is an ambush; not 9.0 earthquake ravaged debris.

The quake is a paper thin story taped together by the undeserved trust of a gullible public. And the stories? If there is evidence of a 9.0 SHOW ME. A 9.0 will devastate an area over 1,000 miles across. That is how big a 9.0 is.

The entire nation should be in ruins, especially judging from the damage the 6.9 Kobe quake did, and no where, no where outside the tsunami zone in the entire country is there a single damaged multi story building, a single collapsed bridge, a single structurally damaged wood framed house, or skyscraper.

If a picture exists that can be definitively pinned to this quake, show me. The only collapsed structure in all of Japan was an old welfare shelter near station MYG004, the true epicenter.

Video above shows tsunami water but no signs of an accompanying earthquake that was attributed to the Fukushina nuclear accident.

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