Fukushima: Japan fakes radiation measurements?

Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of the Environment Satoshi Takayama held a press conference on December 10 in Shizuoka City [in Shizuoka Prefecture] and said about the radiation measurement of the debris from the March 11 earthquake/tsunami, “No one trusts the measurement by the national government. We are measuring, but we would like the local municipalities to measure it also.”

Vice Governor of Shizuoka Shinichi Omura, who was with Takayama in the press conference, was visibly annoyed when Mainichi Shinbun asked him about the Secretary’s remark after the press conference. “To say ‘No one trusts the government’s measurement’ is to shake the very foundation of the safety standard.” [...]

Internet site reference: http://mainichi.jp/select/today/news/20111211k0000m040047000c.html?inb=fa


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