Indo-US Objective: Destabilization of Pakistan

The move by the USA to exploit the much maligned Pakistani military regime led by Gen Musharraf, eventually made Pakistan lose its sovereignty with NATO terror syndicate attacking any one they consider their "enemy". Since India also made a sort of friendly gesture in supporting the US plan for South Asia, Pakistan thought it not wise to let the "opportunity" slip into New Delhi's boots. Pakistan and offered its soil to be used as a free sanctuary for NATO to go on rampage over both Afghans and Pakistanis.

It was a joint US-India plan to trap Pakistan to agree for whatever the USA dictated. India that way has won a big war against Pakistan without declaring one.

The death of the Pakistani soldiers dug in along the mountainous, remote Afghan -Pakistani border area, along with the initial NATO response, has incensed Pakistanis and marked yet another setback in the Obama regime's efforts to improve “chronically troubled” ties with an uneasy Muslim ally in South Asia against Muslims and Islam.

Americans do not want to be seen as state terrorists, killing Muslims as per the CIA’s post-Sept-11 hoax plan. USA now wants Pakistani regime and military to share the blame for the NATO’s deliberate terror operations against Pakistani solders. A US investigation today found that both American and Pakistani forces were to blame for an incident that killed 24 Pakistani troops in a remote area along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in the midnight between 25-26 November, inflaming already strained bilateral ties.

Brigadier General Stephen Clark, who headed the military US investigation, just bluffed that US aircraft including fighter jets and attack helicopters came “under fire” late on the night of 25 November as it approached an Afghan village right over the Pakistani border for a routine mission.

The incident prompted Pakistan to shut down ground routes used to supply US forces in Afghanistan and to demand that the United States vacate an air base used to launch drone flights within 15 days.

Pakistan has angrily waited for a formal US apology. But little expressed regret from the Obama regime over the deaths. The USA knows that the Pentagon “conclusions” of the report would not placate Pakistani military leadership in the charged climate. Gen. Kayani is fully aware of the notorious CIA-Pentagon agendas for the region and Islamic world at large.

USA and NATO terror syndicates occupy Pakistan, killing Muslims especially with the Obama drones but control even the Pakistani military. NATO kills Pakistanis and other Muslims as their birth right and wants Pakistani regime and military to share every bit of information with them. Part of the problem was instructions to US soldiers not to share details of their secret agendas and geographic assessments with their Pakistani liaison officers - a symptom of "an overarching lack of trust" on both sides.

Since Pakistani regime and its military are sufficiently discredited before the people and world, the NATO strategists calculate that Pakistan must now promote US agenda by jointly killing Muslims as “terrorists” as any change of view would make people suspicious of Pakistani regime and military.

That, unfortunately for people of Pakistan, is the crux of Pakistani predicament. Innocent looking but now worried Obama must be busy contacting all Arab League nations to apply “pressure” on Pakistani regime and military.

About the writer:

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist; Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs (CIA); Independent Analyst; Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements (Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces and terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university.


Indo-US Objective: Destabilization of Pakistan-2

NATO’s Midnight Terrorism in Pakistan




The move by the USA to exploit much maligned Pakistani military regime led  by Gen Musharraf eventually made Pakistan lose its sovereignty with NATO terror syndicate attacking any one they consider their "enemy". Since India also made  a sort of friendly  gesture in supporting the US plan for South Asia, Pakistan thought it not wise to let the "opportunity" slip into New Delhi's boots. Pakistan and offered its soil to be used as a free sanctuary for NATO to go on rampage over both Afghans and Pakistanis. 

It was a joint US-India  plan to trap Pakistan to agree for whatever the USA dictated. India that way has won a big war against Pakistan without declaring one. 

The death of the Pakistani soldiers dug in along the mountainous, remote Af-Pak border area, along with the initial NATO response, has incensed Pakistanis and marked yet another setback in the Obama regime's efforts to improve “chronically troubled” ties with an uneasy Muslim ally in South Asia against Muslims and Islam.


Americans do not want to be seen as state terrorists, killing Muslims as per the CIA’s post-Sept-11 hoax plan. USA now wants Pakistani regime and military to share the blame for the NATO’s deliberate terror operations against Pakistani solders. A US investigation today found that both American and Pakistani forces were to blame for an incident that killed 24 Pakistani troops in a remote area along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border in the midnight between 25-26 November, inflaming already strained bilateral ties.


Brigadier General Stephen Clark, who headed the military US investigation, just bluffed that US aircraft including fighter jets and attack helicopters came “under fire” late on the night of 25 November as it approached an Afghan village right over the Pakistani border for a routine mission.


The incident prompted Pakistan to shut down ground routes used to supply US forces in Afghanistan and to demand that the United States vacate an air base used to launch drone flights within 15 days.

Pakistan has angrily waited for a formal US apology. But little expressed regret from the Obama regime over the deaths.  The USA knows that the Pentagon “conclusions” of the report would not placate Pakistani military leadership in the charged climate. Gen. Kayani is fully aware of the notorious CIA-Pentagon agendas for the region and Islamic world at large.  

USA and NATO terror syndicates occupy Pakistan, killing Muslims especially with the Obama drones but control even the Pakistani military. NATO kills Pakistanis and other Muslims as their birth right and wants Pakistani regime and military to share every bit of information with them.  Part of the problem was instructions to US soldiers not to share details of their secret agendas and geographic assessments with their Pakistani liaison officers - a symptom of "an overarching lack of trust" on both sides.

Since Pakistani regime and its military are sufficiently discredited before the people and world, the NATO strategists calculate that Pakistan must now promote US agenda by jointly killing Muslims as “terrorists” as any change of view would make people suspicious of Pakistani regime and military.

That, unfortunately for people of Pakistan, is the crux of Pakistani predicament. Innocent looking but now worried Obama must be busy contacting all Arab League nations to apply “pressure” on Pakistani regime and military.


د. عبد راف

Dr. Abdul Ruff, Specialist on State Terrorism; Educationalist;Chancellor-Founder of Centor for International Affairs(CIA); Independent Analyst;Chronicler of Foreign occupations & Freedom movements(Palestine,Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Xinjiang, Chechnya, etc); Anti-Muslimism and anti-Islamism are more dangerous than "terrorism" Anti-Islamic forces & terrorists are using criminal elements for terrorizing the world and they in disguise are harming genuine interests of ordinary Muslims. Global media today, even in Muslim nations, are controlled by CIA  & other anti-Islamic agencies. Former university Teacher;/  91-9961868309/91-9961868309


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