Ottawa: Where the Friends of Lansdowne gets their Money

Questions have been asked about how much money Friends of Lansdowne has raised and who supports us. We are happy to say that between June 2010 and June 2011, we raised $250,000 through donations and special events.

Nearly a thousand individuals from all over the City have contributed to the costs of the Friends of Lansdowne court action. The breakdown of our donations is 80% from individuals, 20% from groups including unions, associations and small businesses. We have no major corporate donors, although of course we would welcome them.

In this David and Goliath fight over Lansdowne, it is ironic that Goliath (the City of Ottawa with all its resources and OSEG, a consortium of some of the wealthiest people in Canada) is questioning David (Friends of Lansdowne, a grassroots volunteer group) over where we get our resources. Unlike the City which spends taxpayers’ dollars, we work hard to raise funds from citizens who believe in our cause.

Having read this article, could you now further consider making a small donation? Please consider making a member pledge donation to our not-for-profit and volunteer-driven newspaper. Send your PayPal donations to If you don’t have a PayPal account, and prefer to use your credit card, e-mail: We seek to raise $100,000.00 to help defray basis operational and research costs. Thanks for your support.


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