Online Dating: Top Ten Safety Tips

Safety Tips for Online Dating 1. Keep communication to the online services of the dating website until you feel comfortable. Do not give out personal contact information before you are ready. 2. Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. 3. Take as long as you need to get to know someone new prior to deciding to meet in person. 4. Make initial meetings in public places. Use your own transportation. Do not get in the car with someone you just met. 5. If it makes you feel more comfortable, make initial dates a group venture. 6. Always check in with friends. Make sure someone knows where you are going and who you will be with, the more details the better. 7. There is nothing wrong with ending a date early if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, your safety is more important than worrying about appearing rude. 8. Do not leave drinks unattended. 9. When ending the night, there is no obligation to do anything you do not feel comfortable with. 10. Always be observant of your surroundings. Do not go to dark secluded parking lots alone. Be aware of anyone that may appear to be following you or hanging around your vehicle. Read more..


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