UFO · Exopolitics 6532 Views by JD91

UFO: Brilliant, White Object Hovers Over Halifax, NS

Date: 26 July, 2017.

Place: Halifax, Province of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Last week, on 26 July, an unusual sighting was witnessed in the city of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

According to an anonymous report published on Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website, “a small, marble-looking object” was seen hovering above the Canadian city.

“I woke up at noon. The sky was blue and sunny, with large white clouds around. I went out to my front door to have a cigarette and looked up at the blue sky. I immediately saw a white, small, marble-looking object in a patch of blue sky”, the anonymous witness related.

“First, I thought it was a drone, due to how fast it was moving, but then I realised it was far too high to be moving that fast”, he added. “It was round and smooth, with no edges or wings sticking out”, he described.

The Halifax resident explained that the alleged UFO was moving around the dense clouds. “The clouds were thick and tall, like mountains in the sky. This object was a little above the base of the clouds”, he stated.

About the shape of the object, the unnamed witness said: “the object was about the size of a circle, 5 millimetres tall, at arm’s length. It was white, exactly like the colour of the clouds, except that it was round. I could tell because it was slightly shaded, with the shadow of a curvature on it”.

“It was moving in a straight path for about 5-10 seconds. I'm not good with time, so it could have been shorter or longer; I really don't know”, he expressed. “It changed direction, about 40 degrees, moving west to south-west. It then went behind or into the large clouds and went out of my sight”, he affirmed.

Finally, the Canadian citizen explained the reasons why he is convinced that he saw an actual UFO. “The reason why I’m reporting this as a UFO is because it was clearly round, with no wings, angles, or edge large enough to see. It was moving at a steady rate, not up, like a balloon, but in an undisturbed forward path, and then made an immediate and abrupt change in direction, about 40 degrees, moving west, and then south-west. It was too small and too high to be moving so fast”.

Draw your own conclusions…

For further information: https://mufoncms.com/cgi-bin/report_handler.pl?req=view_long_desc&id=85387&rnd=


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